
Location: San Marcos, California, United States

Southern gal living in California. Have been writing since the age of ten and am addicted to the written word. Have stacks of books-to-be-read in almost every room. I teach writing on a volunteer basis and in a paid position. I once worked with foreign customers for an aerospace company; interesting job that gave me great insight into other cultures. Family scattered all over the US so have excuses to travel.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I know we are to write/send out our Christmas manuscripts in June but are you in the mood to do so at that time of the year? Why not write while you are "in the mood?"

I began to put together some drafts of article ideas,have written two new Chrismas short stories, and a few poems while the season is upon us. It seems much easier to stir up the muse when carols are playing on the radio, holiday movies are popping up on several TV channels, and the tree is winking and blinking in multi-colored glory. This is the first season I've attempted this "writing in season" and it works for me!


Keep a touch of Christmas
Tucked within your heart.
Remember its sacred meaning
The Holy birth that heralded its start.

Keep a smile, but share some too
With those you meet along the way.
Tell them how God sent his Beloved Son
To give us each the true joy of Christmas Day.

Barbara Deming (c)

Merry Christmas and happy writing about it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Best Wishes


I hope, in 2010, to treat you to more writings--on a more timely basis.

Until then:

Live today to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised to anyone.