We women are the nurturers of everyone and everything. We take care of our husbands/boyfriends, do everything for our kids, nurse our elderly parents and offer a shoulder for our friends to cry on. We even wind up taking care of the animals our children bring home. Or, in my case, the Beta fish my husband fell in love with. I am the one who feeds Blue Boy, cleans out his bowl and talks to him. There's been one good thing come out of this--he comes to the surface when I talk to him and blows me bubbles while unfurling his big red fin and wiggling the tiny ones near his head quite fast in excitement. He ignores my husband.
Often, we are not only too busy taking care of others to find time to write, but we put our happiness and pleasures last. What we want matters, too! Start today and treat yourself to some happiness of your own. Find the time to write or read or just vegitate if that is what you need to do to feel better about yourself. Do something that makes you smile. Take out the old dreams you've packed away and follow through on them.
You are worth being first in your own life.
Often, we are not only too busy taking care of others to find time to write, but we put our happiness and pleasures last. What we want matters, too! Start today and treat yourself to some happiness of your own. Find the time to write or read or just vegitate if that is what you need to do to feel better about yourself. Do something that makes you smile. Take out the old dreams you've packed away and follow through on them.
You are worth being first in your own life.