Location: San Marcos, California, United States

Southern gal living in California. Have been writing since the age of ten and am addicted to the written word. Have stacks of books-to-be-read in almost every room. I teach writing on a volunteer basis and in a paid position. I once worked with foreign customers for an aerospace company; interesting job that gave me great insight into other cultures. Family scattered all over the US so have excuses to travel.

Sunday, February 07, 2010


Recently, I was reading about some quirks of writing habits among famous writers. I wondered if I had some--not the same--but ones original only to me. Do I write better in certain places? At certain time of day or night? Do I only write on the computer, or with pen and pad first? Is there a certain color of ink I use to write, or sign my name?

I write most anywhere. If I am meeting a deadline or doing final edits, I am only comfortable in my office at the main computer or on my laptop. If I'm writing off the top of my head, or creating a first draft of a story, I take my Acer mini to Jack's Pond, Discovery Lake, or Starbucks. Or out on the patio.

Once upon a time, I could write into the wee hours of the night. Now, I am into writing in the morning or early afternoon when I feel fresher. If I'm on deadline or editing a story or piece, I can work at night but the creative side of my brain, my imagination, is not as active late in the day as it used to be.

I often don't begin writing on any electronic device. I use a yellow-lined pad and a pen. If writing a story, I begin writing and continue until my first spurt of inspiration is run through. Then I will go to the computer, input it, print off the last page for my next beginning point. When writing an article or essay, I complete the first draft before going to the computer. I believe that by putting my work on the computer at this point, I am editing/rewriting the first draft.

And I do have this one quirk regarding ink. For example, when writing in my journal, I swtich colors of ink with each days entry. I think it gives my journal a more colorul, insightful look to my work. And when I autograph my books at a book signing or to send off through the mail, I create my message and sign my name in purple ink. Maybe it is something to do with the poem --when I grow old, I will wear purple.

Here are a few habits of the famous: John Nichols (The Milagro Bean Fields) writes in the tub beginning at 4 a.m. He writes by longhand on the back olf junk mail.

Tennessee Williams wrote "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" on his favorite writing material--an assortment of hotel stationery.

Robert Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance) wrote his book on index cards.

Count Leo Tolstoy and William Burroughs both used scissors and paste to "rearrange" the drafts of stories.

Toni Morrison writes on yellow legal pads with "a nice number two pencil."

John updike wrote with pen or pencil, no computer for him.

Ernest Hemingway wrote standng up.

What are your habits, or quirks?

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Blogger Perle said...

Maybe because we came from an age that had no computers, we create better with a pen. In my 20's, I started using a computer when they were large ponderous things with groaning CPU's, but I always did first draft by hand. I'm a visual artist as well, so maybe that contributes. I love the look and feel of the pen racing across the blue lines of a fresh spiral page.
Thanks, and luck again on the surgery.

12:58 PM  

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