Location: San Marcos, California, United States

Southern gal living in California. Have been writing since the age of ten and am addicted to the written word. Have stacks of books-to-be-read in almost every room. I teach writing on a volunteer basis and in a paid position. I once worked with foreign customers for an aerospace company; interesting job that gave me great insight into other cultures. Family scattered all over the US so have excuses to travel.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I would much rather be submitting something positive about the pleasure of writing, or putting my readers in stitches over something funny. However, I am not laughing tonight.

Instead, I am sending this short message--while on pain killers and antibiotics, keeping salve on stitches on my face and ear, willing the swelling to go down so I can breath properly and put a phone to my ear.

Good news. I was not melanoma's--confirmed first biopsy by this pathologist that these were basal cell carcinoma skin cancers. The stitches will come out next Wednesday. Before then I hope to be back online, and this blog.

Until then----Watch that sun exposure!

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